Welcome to NIMS Kanpur (MCA Coaching in Kanpur)
We are an unparallel MCA COACHING INSTITUTE that prepares & counsels academically qualified students to pursue right approach in the field of computer science & contribute for their success at their highly competitive entrance exam by emphasizing at this critical phase of life. NIMS KANPUR for MCA Entrance is inaugurated & run under complete control of Mr. RAM GOPAL SINGH who has build up thousands of careers along the way. The institute was modestly launched in the year 1998 for MCA Entrance training aspirants & within a short span it has achieved the status of undisputed leader for preparing students in the field of MCA Entrance Examination.

welcome you to explore the world of aspiration, challenges, success & satisfaction.
Welcome to Entrance Classes

NIMS Kanpur is one of the leading MCA Entrance Examination Coaching in Kanpur integrated of genius faculty, cultured atmosphere & result oriented intellectuals that gladly

We not only cater to National Level MCA Exams but also to State Level MCA Entrance Exams of NIMCET, BHU, JNU, VELLORE UNIVERSITY, IIT ROORKEE, BIT Ranchi, Central Universities of Hyderabad & Pondicherry.

We provide the best guidance of knowledge plus a capacity to stay calm under time constraints. Because Intelligence is a basic factor no doubt but a skill for basic common sense is equally important.
The Institute
NIMS Kanpur does not give any degree or diploma of MCA. It provides coaching to the students and prepares them to compete in the Entrance Examinations of MCA held by various Universities. It does not under take any guarantee to the students to provide any degree from any university. Its main aim is to prepare students to take MCA Entrance Examinations.

Why Choose Us??
The NIMS Kanpur is a private coaching establishment. NIMS Kanpur is established to prepare the students for various MCA Entrance Examinations held throughout the country.
NIMS Kanpur Classes for MCA Entrance Examinations run under complete control of RAM GOPAL SINGH was launched in the year 1998. Within a short span it has achieved the status of undisputed leader in the country in the field of preparing students for MCA Entrance Examinations.
NIMS Kanpur has been imparting guidance for MCA Entrance Examinations to students from all over states of U.P., Uttrakhand, M.P., Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharastra, Orissa, West Bengal etc. Besides, students come from places as far as Andhra Pradesh and Nepal. This has been possible because of our excellent results year after year at various MCA Entrance Examinations.
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